What It Costs
(updated 02/13/2023)
What does it cost to be a member of SMIC Academy? (download pdf for printable version)
Enrollment Fees
- New Family registration - $40/one child or max $60/family
- Returning Family Re-enrollment fee - $20/family (waived if filed by April 30 and files are up-to-date)
- Tuition - $225 due Aug 1 (can be divided equally over 10 months)
- High School (8th-12th) Supplemental Fee - $100/year/family (added to tuition arrangements above)
Other Fees
- Alabama Christian Education Assoc. (ACEA) Dues - $22/year/child; paid to SMICA; max $44 per family
- Premiers support program (1st two years of homeschooling with the Academy if family has 1st-3rd graders) - $35/year
- New student fee for existing family - $20 per student
- Graduation Fee - $35 per graduate
Other Financial Considerations
- We strongly recommend joining Home School Legal Defense Association (group rate $115/year/family, paid to HSLDA)
- Achievement Testing (every other year, 4th-10th) - $35 with SMICA, or up to $75 depending on source
Avoidable Fees
- Late monthly payment - $10
- Unexcused absence from faculty meeting - $10
- Incomplete end-of-year files (June 30 for 8th-11th; July 31st for 1st-7th) - $10/child/1st month; $5/2nd month; etc.
- Incomplete beginning-of-year files (due 4th Sat in Aug) - $10/child/1st month; $5/2nd month; etc.
- Transcript Rush fees <7 days - $15 (or $30 for transcripts that need to be updated)
- Withdrawal fees after July 1 - $20 per student (except for providential circumstances)
Discounts Available (one per family)
- $50 – if you qualify as a pastor or a support-raising missionary
- $100 – 225 – for returning families, if you are filling one of the servant roles in SMICA